Monday, August 5, 2019

Brothers Pearse AC Weekly adult training wc

Meeting Point
Training Location
Meeting Time
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Sunday runs at various paces and distances are organised throughour members-only discussion group on facebook

Monday and Thursday are easy run nights. Meet at Cherryfield at 6.50pm and join your club mates for some gentle miles. Route decided on the night.

Tuesday and Wednesday
This week we are on the infamous Speaker Connolly Hill for that fabulous tough mile circuit.
So meet in Cherryfield at 6.50pm if you are jogging up to the start point. If you are going to meet there , please be warmed up and ready to start at 7.10pm. You really need to be loose to begin this session.

The aim is a min of 4 circuits, 5 would be good, and 6 for the lead group. If you are racing at the weekend be sure to check with ET or one of the experienced runners about how many you should do.

These miles are tough so get you pacing and effort level right to get the max benefit. Always nice to be able to lift the pace for that last steep hill and the run down the hill to the finish. And good practice and a mindset to develop.
Recovery should be about 50% ..take a little more if you need it.

Tierneys Tempo Saturday – as usual meet in Marlay warmed up at 9am .. strong numbers at the moment so give it a go next week.

Tuesday and Thursday this week for the Returnees group with Peter. All welcome. We will do a 1.5 mile warm up, some circuits, some intervals and finish with a 1.5mile cool down. Meet Cherryfield at 7pm .

Monday and Thursday

Easy run nights. Meeting points and routes vary.

Tuesday and Wednesday

Structured Speed Sessions. Meeting points and sessions vary.

Tierneys Tempo Saturday

As usual meet in Marlay warmed up at 9am .. strong numbers at the moment so give it a go next week.


LSR, Various groups/ distances and routes see!

LSR, Various groups/ distances and routes see Facebook for more!