AGM Date Announced
The club’s Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday 31st May 2021at 8:00 pm Via Zoom.
The proposal of any motions to the AGM should be lodged with the Secretary by e-mail to secretary@brospearse.com no later than Wednesday 26th May.
All nominations for election to the Club Committee should be lodged with the Secretary by e-mail to secretary@brospearse.com no later than Wednesday 26th May.
All nominations need to be seconded. To satisfy this the person sending the nomination will need to email secretary@brospearse.com and also copy the person being nominated and the person who seconds the nomination.
Current Committee
President – Matt Moloney R.I.P.
Chairperson -Jim Higgins
Vice-Chair – Ray Cunningham
Secretary – Joe Haugh
Treasurer – Edward Hudson
Juvenile Competition Secretary – Ray Cunningham
Equipment Officer – John White
Children’s Officer – Ross Mac Mathuna
Registrar – Catherine Martin
Senior Men’s Captain – Ian O’Reilly
Senior Women’s Captain – Sinead Tighe (Janice Moroney has taken over since Feb)
PRO – Niamh Honer
Zoom login details, final agenda and any proposed motions will be emailed ahead of the meeting. All participants will need to register in advance in order to attend.
All nominations for election to the Club Committee and all motions must be proposed and seconded by a current and paid-up member of the club.
As both Captains are already in place for the year, we won’t be accepting nominations for these roles.
Lastly, we are looking for someone to manage the Zoom aspect of the meeting. Let us know if you are willing to do this.
Joe Haugh
A brief but not full description of Club Committee Roles
• Provide leadership and management in the Club
• Hold effective Club meetings
• Uphold the Club constitution
• Plan ahead for the Club
• Delegate tasks to Club members
Vice Chairperson
• Assist the Chair in all duties
• Handle all club correspondence
• Prepare agendas for club meetings
• Record and circulate minutes of club meetings
• Manage all club accounts
• Prepare regular financial statements
• Assist in the financial planning of the club
Juvenile Competitions Secretary
• Identify competitions in which juvenile members should be entered
• Discover and circulate information about these competitions to coaches and parents
• Liaise with coaches to ensure teams are entered, and make selections as necessary
• Submit entry lists to competitions
Equipment Officer
• Ensure all necessary club equipment is maintained in good working order
• Replace equipment as necessary
• Maintain a record of available equipment
• Ensure all equipment is safe and fit for purpose
Child Welfare Officer
The Child Welfare Officer has the following functions:
• To promote the Code of Ethics & Good Practice.
• To be familiar with Children First and Our Duty to Care to ensure they can act
as an information source to other members of the organisation.
• To influence policy and practice and prioritise children’s needs.
• To ensure that children know how and whom they can report their concerns to within the club. Information disclosed by a child should be dealt with in accordance with the guidelines in the Code of Ethics & Good Practice for Children in Athletics.
• To encourage the participation of parents/guardians in club activities.
• To co-operate with parents to ensure that each child enjoys his/her participation in Athletics.
• To act as a resource with regard to best practice in children’s athletics.
• To report regularly to the club management committee.
• To monitor changes in membership and follow up on any unusual drop-out, absenteeism or club transfers by children or coaches/volunteers.
• Accept membership forms and enter details in club records
• Register all members with Athletics Ireland
• Prepare juvenile roll calls and record the details of the rolls taken
Senior Captain (Male)
• Identify and prioritise events in which the club will enter teams
• Discover and circulate information about these competitions
• Select the male teams for those events
• Organise team entry where necessary
• Ensure all team athletes can prepare correctly (facilities and equipment is available, etc)
Senior Captain (Female)
• Identify and prioritise events in which the club will enter teams
• Discover and circulate information about these competitions
• Select the female teams for those events
• Organise team entry where necessary
• Ensure all team athletes can prepare correctly (facilities and equipment is available, etc)
Public Relations Officer
• Promote the club in the community
• Make sure all members are aware of club activities